Employment Options

Common Questions Asked About Ticket to Work

Presentation Speakers

Teresa Ellinger:        Benefits Manager/Certified Work Incentives Counselor (CWIC)
Lori Adler:                 Moderator/Communications Manager

Original Event Date:  February 2021

Presentation Files

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Topics Covered During the Webinar

  • Who Qualifies for the Free Ticket to Work Program
  • What is the Difference Between SSDI and SSI
  • The Rules for Working While on SSDI
  • The Rules for Working While on SSI 
  • Common Questions and Myths 
  • How Do I Report My Earnings?
  • The Stages of the Ticket to Work Program

Receiving SSDI/ SSI benefits?  

Let My Employment Options help you succeed using the free Ticket to Work program! Visit our Apply page!

Not on SSDI/SSI? 
Email help@myemploymentoptions.com and visit our Referral Resources

You can also learn about our other divisions that offer services to job seekers Not on SSDI or SSI. MEO Staffing and Ask MEO